Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh will on Tuesday meet a three-member AICC Committee in Delhi which was formed to end the ongoing factionalism in. These statements come after CM Amarinder Singh on Saturday said that the government would soon announce a legal strategy to counter the ill-conceived Power purchase agreement PPA signed by the Badals during their rule which had put an atrociously unnecessary financial burden on the state.
In a desperate bid to douse the flames of dissent engulfing the Congress in Punjab chief minister Captain Amarinder Singh has started holding secret parleys with his detractors within the party to avert a huge political crisis ahead of the elections.
Amarinder singh twitter. Of the 139 PPAs signed by the SAD-BJP Government. The most significant political move of the chief minister seems to be a secret meeting that he is reported to have held with one of. While Navjot Singh Sidhu has been at loggerheads with Capt Amarinder Singh Congress MLA Pargat Singh had also voiced concern saying that the party might suffer if.
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Capt Amarinder Singh Capt Amarinder Twitter
Capt Amarinder Singh Capt Amarinder Twitter
Capt Amarinder Singh On Twitter Great Job In Bathinda Amarinder Singh Raja Warring We Might Have Missed The Seat But Your Aggressive Campaign And The Tough Fight You Gave The Badals Akali Dal Was